I offer home birth as an option to women in Abilene, and the Big Country. It is my goal to offer you a peaceful space where you can go into labor on your own and labor at your own pace, in a calming and loving environment. As I once was a doula, I see the need and benefit of you hiring a doula, especially for anyone having their first birth or first natural birth. At births, I am accompanied by one midwife or one birth assistant. All attending to your care on the big day have been certified in CPR and neonatal resuscitation and have some background in natural birth, knowing how to encourage you through the stages of labor. We respect all beliefs, cultures and spiritual backgrounds and can offer personalized care should you have any special preferences. Your family is welcome to be present as it is your home.

Some misconceptions about midwifery that can be cleared up are outlined below:
- We do assess mother’s vitals throughout labor and are looking for any signs of infection
- Fetal heart tones are listened to on a regular basis during active labor and even more so when pushing begins
- Low-risk women must remain low-risk and any labor that takes a turn for the “abnormal” will need to be transferred
- Your midwife has tricks for avoiding many tears and lacerations, however, she does offer suturing and is good at it!
- IV medications are the standard of care for GBS positive mothers and we prefer that all clients choose this option. However, as with all of your care, it is your right to decline after reading and signing our informed consent.
- I encourage you to practice skin-to-skin contact and offer delayed cord clamping in order to stabilize your baby and help them transition best
- I am well trained in newborn care as well and will be the one to do your newborn examination after birth. It is highly recommend that you see your pediatrician within the first week of your baby’s life.
- Anti-hemorrhage medications are available to use quickly should the need arise.
- An herbal bath, breastfeeding support and encouragement as well as postpartum support are provided in the postpartum as desired and needed.
- I am a proud supporter of water birth and vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)!